In high school, I could have been the forensic champion, except that my opponent was cute. We debated bovine artificial insemination and although I was better at bull pucky than cow sex, I knew that debate wouldn’t get me a date. I couldn’t disagree with him without being disagreeable, and that was my downfall.
It didn’t dawn on me then, (I must have been busy applying lipstick) but that class was designed to introduce me to the governmental process. When I watch CNN, the House and Senate are as consumed with being popular are high school girls.
The basic theory of debate is still good—that an opinion—any opinion should be voiced. How can my ideas be influenced if I don’t know your opinion? Open yourself up to debate! Risk it! Say what you think and you may have an effect on my opinion.
But, not today! Your comment won’t change my opinion today because I’m too bull-headed to do it today. But, who knows, you have introduced an aspect I’ve never considered and upon mulling it over, it may influence my opinion tomorrow... or perhaps not.
I know that voicing an opinion is risky. It’s best to be thought a fool, particularly when opening my mouth removes all doubt, and with the advent of audio technology, it also removes any future doubt—because my husband now has the ability to rewind in an instant and play back whatever I‘ve said.
To: Sis.ter@wig.out
Wow, I hit a two-in-one, with both the pregnancy and the plastic surgery[1] comments. Please forgive my big mouth…again. T.
So I may be wrong! That’s a risk I take. Besides, after I've written about experts and big mouths, does my opinion have any long-term validity anyway?
Good, I’m glad that it doesn’t, because my view changes with the scenery and my perceptions advance with the length of the horizon. I am one who has an opinion today, but will take the time to consider your opinion and then may make a value-added adjustment in my opinion and change my mind tomorrow.
I speak of an opinion that evolves… within my own genus of course. I love the quote (can't find who said it) that, "I adapt my views with each new piece of information presented to me. What do you do with new information?" (it was a life-altering and profound moment as you can tell.)
I could never become political figure whose opinion, once stated, is cast in stone—who is forced by surroundings and party to be of, and stay of the same mind, (because they are only sharing one.)
Reality Bite: Just don’t say anything actionable to anyone with a law degree.
[1] I not only say it, but cement my mistakes in writing for all of posterity.
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